First (live!) coding: virtual scrolling

Started with a first bit of coding on the app today! We have to discuss exactly what features we want to build over the coming days and weeks, but I thought I’d quickly start with prototyping a small core component to see if that works as expected.

As an experiment I gave coding in a livestream a try, you can watch it below if you’re interested in a glimpse behind the scenes.

Many apps on the web get very slow when you add a lot of items, and as our app should be as fast as an editor, we want to make sure it works great when you’re adding thousands of tasks or ideas. A technique to speed things up when having to show many items is called virtual scrolling, which I tried to start with today. I’ll also write up a more detailed post about how it works later.

You can follow us on Twitter @jdvhouten and @wcools and look for #80daystartup

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