
Worked on a few mockups today, trying out different layouts, color themes and components in CSS and HTML. The goal is to eventually settle on a first version of the design for the app, which we can use as a preview for the landing/marketing page. While designing all the different components, we hopefully also get a better idea of the exact details of how the app should work, before we actually build all those parts.

All in all not too much to show today. When I try out different designs I usually delete more than I save, that’s part of the process (we’ll upload some more of the deleted parts later as well to get an idea of how the design has progressed).

Example of a very rough sketch to test out some layouts in HTML

You can follow us on Twitter @jdvhouten and @wcools and look for #80daystartup

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Work/new-life balance
Durable tech
Early user feedback
Spending time to save time
Products want to be platforms
Always be launching
Enjoying the journey
Work-life balance
Recap @ Day 59
Perils of caching
Making sense of contradictions
Trust signals
DIY javascript error logging
Taxes: an automation story
Magical thinking
Start small
High conviction, low conviction
Most deals fail

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