Recap week #4

A lot of progress again this week, but still a lot left to do!

The most visible milestone for this week was launching the landing page — is now live, and we got the first few signups for the private beta launch list!

Just like the post on Day -1 about how we prepared the website, we also wrote a bit about the work for the landing page in Creating

We’ve been working on more prototypes as well, especially for the editor component, which we’re going to write more about soon. In A rough feature list we made a first list of other features we’re planning for the MVP, for which we’re going to start development this week, in parallel with the marketing work.

We’re still trying to find the right balance between doing the actual coding on the app, the marketing work, writing the articles for our blog and using channels like Twitter to grow an audience. We’re making good progress on all fronts, but we have to step up the work on the app as well. That’s why we’ve changed our blogging schedule a little bit and are writing more updates about what we’re working on, and fewer articles for now.

The articles we wrote on the blog this week were It’s not 0 or 1, Your app still has to be good, Animations and Good customer support means saying you’re sorry.

Next up: most likely a lot of code work, while getting initial feedback and building our launch list!

Thanks for following our story! You can see our daily updates on Twitter (@wcools and @jdvhouten). Or drop us a line at [email protected] for any reason. We’re always excited to hear from people πŸ™‚

You can follow us on Twitter @jdvhouten and @wcools and look for #80daystartup

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